Standard hours Monday through Friday, 7am-4pm / Call for Holiday Schedule
Standard hours Monday through Friday, 7am-4pm / Call for Holiday Schedule
Ron is a Registered Civil Engineer and also a Professional Land Surveyor. He is currently registered and licensed in Arkansas. He recently retired his Oklahoma License, but don't worry -
we still have Oklahoma covered.
Ron works directly with our Clients and local government to be sure your development project meets their criteria.
Chad is licensed in Oklahoma and Arkansas as a Registered Civil Engineer and Professional Land Surveyor. Chad directly oversees the design of Civil Plans like Streets, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans, Drainage and Grading plans for development projects.
Ralf started with Brixey Engineering & Land
Surveying, Inc. in 2008 and is one of the friendly
faces of BELS. Contact Ralf to request an estimate to survey your property. He oversees the field crews and coordinates scheduling of field work between survey and engineering projects.
David has been with the company since 1986. David helps oversee the field crews and coordinate scheduling of work between departments.
Rebecca (Becky) acts as our Senior CAD Operator, Design Technician and is our Head Office Manager. She has been with the firm since 1991 and has seen many changes. Becky will use her years of broad experience to assist with many aspects of your project including initial research, project set up, design and layout, preparation of drawings, legal descriptions and coordination of staff.
Chuck is another friendly face that has been
with our company since 2009
As Survey crew chief he will brave the hot and the cold weather to get your job done.
You may meet Chase on your project site as a Construction Administrator or as an Inspector.
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